Coming Friday 7 pm PST. M. Robinson Author of: FORBID ME

7 pm PST.
M. Robinson
Author of:

It was only a matter of time until the truth came out. 

I never thought it would come to this... 
I tried, God knows I tried to stay away from her but eventually, I crossed that line and broke that trust. I could no longer go back and I sure didn't regret a single moment of it. I knew there would be hell to pay, I knew the wrath I'd be facing but I would willingly take the burns and scars just to have the love of my best friend's sister. 
If there is one person I'd willingly go to hell and back for it was... 

Lillian Ryder

The ocean breeze blowing the thin white curtains did little to cool the heat between us. I swear that girl had one temperature. Hot. Not in a good way either. But damn, she was so fucking adorable when she slept. She was always on my side of the bed, as close to me as possible, half of her body draped over mine. She didn’t weigh more than a hundred and five pounds wet, but she always managed to take up the entire bed, no matter what size it was. She claimed that lobsters were supposed to sleep like that.
I guess we were fucking lobsters.
I never understood half the shit that came out of her mouth, but I loved her despite it. She was much wiser than her years. No one was like Lily. Trust me I would know. I had f*cked enough women in an attempt to get her out of my heart.
No one even came close.
No one.
“Hey, you leaving me?” she asked in a sleepy voice. She hated getting up early. The girl could sleep all morning if I let her.
I kissed her closed eyes and tried to scoot away. “Hell, yeah. I should have left last night.”
“Where would the fun be in that?” She grabbed the edge of my boxers and pulled me toward her.
“Give me a curl, it’s cold.”
I hesitantly laid my body on top of hers, caging her in with my arms framing her face. I could never say no to her, which had always been one of our problems.
She grinned not opening her eyes. “Mmm… so much better,” she sighed contently. “My friend is up.” She kissed my neck and along my jawline.
“I have to go.”
“No, you have to stay.”
“Kid—” She rocked her p*ssy against my hard c*ck, breaking my train of thought and flipping me over.
“The sun’s not even up yet. I’ve never seen Lucas get up before noon.” She tugged at my boxers, pulling them down and freeing my dick.
I should have thought about how things were different now. Lucas. The house. Everything, but I didn’t. I knew in the back of my mind that I would be regretting my decision to not leave, to stay here with her. That was the beauty of Lily, when I was with her nothing else mattered, everything faded to black but her.
Lily was my own personal inferno.
Consuming. Intense. Destructive.
She kissed her way down my chest. Never taking her eyes off mine, she slid my c*ck into her warm, welcoming mouth. My back arched off the bed and my hand went to the back of her neck, gripping and pushing her throat deeper down my shaft.
“F*ck,” I groaned, watching her naked body sway as she made love to me with her mouth. I sat up to get a better view and touch her, but before I even reached for her the door opened and I locked eyes with Lucas.
My heart dropped.
His murderous stare went from me to Lily, who was still…
F*cking. Blowing. Me.

Dear diary,
Once upon a time…
There was a girl with long golden hair who had the truest, bluest eyes that turned white when she cried.
She lived in a kingdom far, far away in a tower made of stone, but her mind was made of glass that she kept sharp as knives.
Where her memories hid behind her darkest doubts.
Her deepest thoughts.
Her diary became the only thing she could rely on.
No one saw through her looking glass.
No one cared.
No one tried.
Until the villain presented himself as the hero in her life.
He took and took and took some more.
With no regret.
With no shame.
With no apology.
The page never turned.
Their story didn’t end.
Tomorrow never came.
His life of debauchery was their journey to nowhere.
She’d give anything to go back in time.
To walk where she had walked.
To see what she had seen.
One step.
One breath.
One day at a time.
Though in the end, “I love you” were just words.
That destroyed us inside.

“Journey… Juniee…” He sought out her soul. 
In some city.
In some suite.
In the middle of who knows where.
His life of debauchery was their journey to nowhere.
The page never turned.
Their story didn’t end.
Tomorrow never came.
Living within a broken record of albums that they played.
“Journey,” she heard him whisper. “I love you. You know I fuckin’ love you.”
His words.
His presence.
Rang in her ears like the vibration of his guitar.
“Junieeeeeeee … baby … show me what love is,” he slurred, sliding down the wooden door.
Knowing exactly what to say, what to do. How to manipulate her by playing with her existence as if she were just the strings on his electric guitar. Effortlessly he strummed her cords, creating yet another narrative from their tainted love story.
Except, she was no longer the little girl who had a crush on the older boy from down the street. Now she was the woman in love with the man who was a slave to his very own demons.  

Vote for Most Anticipated Book of 2020:

Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestselling Author of Love You Now, Hated You Then, Choosing Us, Keeping her Under The Mistletoe, Lost Boy, El Santo, El Pecador, Ends Here, Keeping Her Wet, Road to Nowhere, El Diablo, The Good Ol Boys Standalone Series, The VIP Trilogy, Tempting Bad, and Two Sides. M. Robinson loves her readers more than anything! They have given her the title of the ‘Queen of Angst.’ She loves to connect with her following through all her social media platforms and also through email! Please keep in touch in her reader group VIP on Facebook, if she’s not in there than she is on Instagram. She lives in Brandon Fl with the love of her life, her lobster, and husband Bossman. They have two German shepherd mixes, a gordito Wheaten Terrier and a user Tabby cat. She is extremely close to her family, and when she isn’t living the cave life writing her epic love stories, she is spending money shopping. Anywhere and everywhere. She loves reading and spending time with her family and friends whenever she can.
Stay connected with her on social media!

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